

EpubTrans is an open-source tool that quickly translates EPUB books into bilingual editions while preserving the original formatting, powered by Anthropic's LLMs.


EpubTrans is a powerful command-line tool that transforms your EPUB books into bilingual editions while maintaining the original text format. It leverages Anthropic’s Language Models to provide high-quality translations, making it perfect for language learners and readers who want to enjoy books in multiple languages.

Key Features

  • Preserve Original Formatting: Maintains the original book layout and styling while adding translations
  • Interactive Web Interface: Edit translations through a built-in web server
  • Multiple Language Support: Translate between various language pairs
  • Easy Installation: Simple installation process for Windows, Linux, and macOS
  • Open Source: Free to use and modify under open-source license

How It Works

  1. Unpack: Convert your EPUB file into editable format
  2. Clean: Optimize HTML files for translation
  3. Mark: Identify content for translation
  4. Translate: Process content using Anthropic AI
  5. Style: Apply custom styling (optional)
  6. Pack: Create final bilingual EPUB

Use Cases

  • Language learners wanting to read books in their target language
  • Teachers creating bilingual materials
  • Readers who want to enjoy literature in multiple languages
  • Publishers preparing bilingual editions


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